Even if your dog is blind, nothing can dampen their adventurous, fun-loving spirit! Dogs cope well with the loss of their sight, and all it takes is certain changes to the way they are looked after to get them back on their paws. In fact, if allowances are made for the loss of their eyesight, your dog’s life should be every inch as good as it was before.
What are the causes of blindness in dogs?
Blindness in dogs can develop for many reasons; there’s no need to blame yourself or wonder what went wrong. Blindness may:
Be present from birth.
Be acquired later in life as the result of a traumatic injury or disease.
Simply be related to the ageing of your dog’s senses.Some inherited causes of blindness can be tested for in the parents of your dog, or in young puppies before you take them home. Inherited causes tend to be seen in certain breeds – for example, blindness is more common in Collies due to a condition called ‘Collie eye anomaly’. When considering buying a purebred puppy, speak to your vet about the potential problems certain breeds can inherit. This way, you should know more about your chances of eventually caring for a blind dog, and decide if you are ready to take the risk.
If you suspect your dog is losing their vision at any time, consult your vet. Some conditions causing such signs of blindness are very treatable – for example, cataracts can be removed. This is why it’s always good to check, even if your dog seems to be doing very well without their eyesight.
Is my dog blind?
If your dog is blind, there are a few things you might notice about your dog’s behaviour:
Most obviously, dogs that bump into things may be losing their sight.
If your dog is blind in one eye, they may be startled by sudden movements on their blind side – they won’t have seen you or something else coming.
Dogs that go suddenly blind may be disorientated and distressed.
You may notice an abnormality when looking at the eyes of your dog – perhaps something that doesn’t look like it used to. You know them best!
Your dog might not follow your hand or a treat when it’s moved, even though their energy and tail-wagging enthusiasm is just as high as it should be.
If you are concerned about your dog's eyesight, arrange for an examination by your vet as some conditions can be effectively treated, preventing further vision loss. However, sudden blindness in dogs is a veterinary emergency, and may cause your pet to become disorientated or distressed – in these cases, you should act quickly.